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Thursday, 20 February 2025 - Productie publicitara
Avangarden 3 Brasov

Romania low prices hotel rooms, apartments Bucharest

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  • RATA mai mica decat chiria !
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(+40) 732.060.851
Proiectul AVANTGARDEN 3 se realizeaza ca urmare a succesului proiectelor Avantgarden 1 si 2 MAURER&KASPER IMOBILIARE, cu o experienta de peste 600 de locuinte finalizate, continua dezvoltarea cartierului rezidential prin construirea celui de-al treilea proiect imobiliar Avantgarden 3.
Situat in partea de nord a oraComplexul Rezidendin 20 imobile noi (deja construite), cu un confort deosebit concept arhitectural european.
Lider pe piata de constructii imobiliare, Avantgarden 3 a inregistrat pana in prezent peste 480 de locuinte vandute in 16 luni de la demararea proiectului. Din cele 5 cladiri vandute in proportie de 100% , prima cladire a fost finalizata si predata, urmatoarele 2 cladiri se apropie de finalizarea lucrarilor , iar cladirile 4 si 5 sunt ridicate pana la nivelul 7, respectiv 6. S-a scos la vanzarea cea de-a sasea cladire care s-a vandut deja in proportie de 50%.
Facilitati zonale
Principalele avantaje ale amplasarii cartierului Avantgarden:
  • Zona rezidentiala noua, linistita, cu vedere spre Tampa, la 5 minute de centru
  • La doar 1 km de cartier- viitor campus universitar la care s-au inceput lucrarile de constructie
  • La 4-5 minute de diferite gradinite si scoli generale
  • La 6 minute de Paradisul Acvatic si 100 m de un teren de fotbal acoperit
  • Locuri de joaca amenajate pentru copii; Kinder-Land; cinematograful Cityplex. Shopping: Metro, Eliana Mall, Real, Brintex, Tekzen supermarket, Hornbach, piata agro-alimentara
  • In apropiere : clinici private, farmacii, reprezentante auto, benzinarii, biserici
  • Mijloace de transport in comun, acces rapid spre centrul Brasov
Cartierul Avantgarden se intinde pe o suprafata de 16,5 ha. Din aceasta suprafata Proiectul Avantgarden 3 ocupa 9,5 ha. Aici vor fi construite 1800 de locuinte, in blocuri de 5 si 7 etaje.
Desi PUZ-ul permitea construirea a 350.000 de metri patrati in blocuri de tip P+15 in cele 9,5 ha ale Avantgarden 3, investitorul a decis ridicarea a numai 130.000 metri patrati cu blocuri deP+5 si P+7 pentru a oferi clientilor locuinte luminoase intr-un spatiu deschis, prietenos, cu multa verdeata.
We accept:VISA, MasterCard,
VISA Electron & Maestro
Our clients comments:
angela (DOHA, QATAR) - 9/24/2007
First of all this is not a hotel, this is a villa, or a �pension�. They called themselves �hotel d�j� vu�, on the website where I booked my stay. And it�s far from what 5 stars should be. There are no 5 five stars hotels in Cluj, that�s for sure!!! Their website seems like a pretentious arty-farty presentation of an old villa, which was once renovated in what they called art-nouveau style. I am not going to comment any of that, this place is a joke. We�ve got a massive Internet bill, and you should watch out for that. They have an obscure system of counting how �much� Internet you�ve used (which they couldn�t explain). We were charged �mistakenly� for an extra bed, and if I didn�t go back and asked about it, they wouldn�t have mentioned anything. The room was clean when we arrived. However, it hadn�t been cleaned during our stay because, apparently they couldn�t find the key, which we basically left at the reception every morning. The dinning room needs renovation, in my view. There was a persisting tobacco smell (in this supposedly non-smoking area), stale atmosphere. The food was al right but, again, so not 5 stars! The location is nice, the villa is in a very quite area of the city, close to the central park, and the centre of the city. You need to walk about 20 minute to the nearest bus station though. There are better hotels in Cluj for this price. Just do your homework, make your research
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